Kolorowa grafika składająca się z dwóch elementów. Po lewej stronie widać zdjęcie kobiety mówiącej do mikrofonu. Po prawej prostokąt niebieski z trzema ostrymi nawiasami otwierającymi.

Speech and orthodontic conference "Logopedist and Orthodontist. Common Patient, Common Effort" 2020

As part of the project implemented by two institutions: the Institute of Linguistics at the University of Silesia and the Agere Aude Foundation for Knowledge and Social Dialogue, a one-day online conference hosted form on July 17, 2020.

The main goal of the project is to agree on a plan of corrective measures to address deficiencies in speech therapy and orthodontic management for people with co-occurring speech and occlusion defects. The conference also aims to present different ways of diagnosis and therapy in the case of people with occlusion defects who also have pronunciation defects and primaries, and to find common threads.

The developed recommendations will be published in a scientific journal, as well as distributed to a wide audience through a leaflet (1000 copies), which will contain practical information for patients. During the implementation of the project, a 2-3 day course program will also be prepared to present a logopedic perspective on issues that are within the area of interest of orthodontists, and there will be integration of logopedic issues into the specialized training program for orthodontists.

Participants will have the opportunity to listen to 10 lectures by prominent Polish specialists in speech therapy and orthodontics, as well as a nearly 1.5-hour panel discussion titled Logopedist and Orthodontist. Common Patient, Common Effort, which will be attended by Prof. Dr. Beata Kawala, Prof. UŚ Dr. Danuta Pluta-Wojciechowska, Dr. Prof. UŚ Barbara Ostapiuk, Dr. Barbara Sambor, Dr. Małgorzata Kuc-Michalska, Dr. Jolanta Jarka.

The Agere Aude Foundation is listed in the register of entities conducting postgraduate education of doctors and dentists kept by the Regional Medical Council in Katowice. Orthodontists who attend the conference will receive recognition for participating in the educational event. 

Honorary Patronage of the conference was provided by:

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Silesia in Katowice..

Polish Logopedic Society.

Polish Orthodontic Society.

Conference program

The program of the Logopedic-Orthodontic Conference is available on the website


Source of funding: 

Ministry of Science and Higher Education, "Excellent Science program - support for scientific conferences"

Implementation date:

July 17, 2020