Kolorowa grafika składająca się z dwóch elementów. Po lewej widać grupę stojących ludzi z wyciągniętymi ku górze rękami. Po lewej stronie jest obrazek przedstawiający kilka beboków przypominających nieco wiedźmy, zaprezentowanych na chmurze. Po prawej prostokąt niebieski z trzema ostrymi nawiasami otwierającymi.

"Onomasta nie z miasta" - language wandering as a reflection of history 2019

An educational project aimed at strengthening cultural participation of groups with difficult access to cultural services. The project pays special attention to spatial, economic and socio-mental barriers. Implemented in rural areas in the Mazovia province

Visit the project website
Onomasta nie z miasta – wędrówki językowe jako zwierciadło historii

Project goals

  • Mobilizing children, young people from the local community with difficult access to culture due to barriers (spatial, territorial, economic, competence and socio-mental),
  • Forming attitudes of local patriotism,
  • Promoting knowledge and awareness of significant figures from the region's history,
  • Developing local culture and expanding access to it for residents,
  • Strengthening self-esteem in participants,
  • Appreciation of the essence of one's origin.

Project website.

Expected results

Quality Results:

  • Facilitating access to culture for children and youth in rural areas,
  • Creative community involvement in cultural activities,
  • Increasing participants' competence and awareness of local history and origins,
  • Popularizing a new model of cultural participation, using modern technologies, by creating a
  • multimedia etymological and motivational dictionary.

Quantitative Results:

  • A etymological-motivational dictionary with a database of about 550 names researched and described by project participants;
  • 9 videos: 2 self-portraits of workshop groups, 2 surveys with residents, 2 making-offs, a legend about the name of the village Kleczkowo, a survey about the meaning of the surname Kleczkowski, an oral history of Stefan Kleczkowski's descendants;
  • Workshop for 2 groups - 60 participants;
  • meeting with Robert Kozera, the author of photographs from the set of the historical film Dywizjon 303. Historia prawdziwa”


Source of funding: 

National Cultural Center Contract number: 06524/19/FPK/NCK

Implementation date:

06.05.2019 – 20.12.2019


About 100 indirect participants aged 12 to 15. Students of elementary schools in Troszyn and Kleczków.