Kolorowa grafika składająca się z dwóch elementów. Po lewej stronie widać dwie kobiety przyklejające plakaty na ścianę bloku. Po prawej prostokąt niebieski z trzema ostrymi nawiasami otwierającymi.

Młodzi dają radę! – dobre praktyki w partycypacji młodych obywateli w polityki miejskie na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym 2019 – 2020

"Młodzi dają radę!" The main objective of this project was to increase involvement among young people living in the cities and municipalities of the Metropolis in real decision-making processes concerning their local environment.The project involved the cooperation of 12 young people, 3 experts from the Agere Aude Foundation and policy makers. The project activities were: supervision meetings, consultation seminars and participatory workshops. The work was based on the open space method and structured dialogue. 

The project also included tools to study the efficiency and initiative of volunteer youth groups, as well as a reviewed publication.Short videos have been posted on the Foundation's Facebook page, including opinions of young participants about the open space method used during the implementation of the project, as well as reflections and opinions of experts, decisions makers social worker working with youth.

The project was inspired by the conference titled Civil society: education, values, communication patterns organized by us in June 2018, as well as a survey of young people, which shows that the influence of young people in shaping local policies is insignificant.

Publication "Młodzi dają radę!" - social activities of youth

What motivates young people to take action? How does youth work with decision-makers? How can youth raise funds? What can be done to make the actions taken by the group visible online? What is the open space method? These and more questions are answered in our report!

The publication collects all the most important issues concerning the functioning of youth initiatives , their initiatives, methods of financing, promotion and impact on the local community.

It includes statements from participants, photo reports from meetings, and an extensive and detailed analysis of the data. Publication is written in a clear and enjoyable manner, it can be a source of knowledge for decision-makers, those wishing to engage in participatory activities or those already undertaking initiatives.

Correct diagnosis of problems and difficulties in the functioning and communication of youth initiatives made it possible to create a report that is unique on a national scale.

The publication also includes a description of the open space method, which, as the meetings organized during the project have shown, is a great tool that helps diagnose the problems of young people and allows them to speak out on crucial issues.

Reflections of participants and experts

Detailed goals:

  • Detailed identification of the problems and obstacles preventing effective youth action
  • Increase the effectiveness of youth initiatives by mutually developing solutions and ways to effectively influence the decisions of authorities at different levels: school, university, municipality, city
  • Initiating meetings of youth groups with representatives of authorities
  • Initiate and monitor joint activities of youth groups and government representatives and analyzing the results
  • Increasing the sense of empowerment among young people;
  • Increasing among young people the ability to provide arguments for their proposals and express their opinions.

We expect to improve the competence and skills of participants, especially:

  • communicating effectively in the native language,
  • learning skills,
  • social and civic competence,
  • IT competence in data searching and analysis,
  • entrepreneurial mindset.


Source of funding: 

Erasmus +

Target audience:

Middle school students from the School No. 2 in Ruda Śląska.

Implementation date: 

May 2019. - December 2020.